Summer Salts Recipe Series: Part 1

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redsaltIn the latest issue of our magazine, you will find the “Summer Salts” article, where we caught up with Vom Fass owner, Kim Weiss, to get the scoop on all things salt. What we discovered was that life exists beyond just kosher and sea salts, which inspired us to create a summer salt recipe series to share with y’all. This four part series will share recipes that incorporate different salts highlighted in our magazine. Here is part one of four of our summer salts recipes series.

Hawaiian Red Gold

This salt is a Hawaiian sea salt that also has Alaea red clay, giving it the beautiful red color. In Hawaii, it’s used for preserving foods and as table salt. Red Hawaiian sea salt is a traditional seasoning and is appropriate for refining fish dishes, for marinades and broiling. This salt is also suitable for Mexican and Thai dishes.

soupWhat to make: Hawaiian Pumpkin Soup 



Casey Alderman

Born and raised in south Georgia, Casey moved to Colorado after graduating college and has now settled in Jackson, where she loves to snowboard, hike and water-ski. She's a true southern food junkie, but loves every type of food (there's nothing she won't eat) and will try anything once. A lifelong love of food combined with a Journalism degree made her realize she could combine her two passions which led her to the position of Editorial Assistant. She loves hot sauce and anything pickled, and you'll always find her on the hunt for the perfect Bloody Mary.