Healthy Homemade Kefir

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In the spirit of getting healthy in 2015, we’d like to share another gut-healthy recipe with you. Mother Nature Nutrition’s consultant, Martha Berkesch, shared a few of her healthy dairy recipes at SHIFT’s Locavore Pantry event back in October.

Mother Nature Nutrition encourages gut health by offering healthier alternatives to dairy products that you can make at home in your kitchen.

I recently shared her yogurt recipe; here is another healthy dairy product recipe: kefir. Kefir is a sour-tasting, yogurt-like, drink made from cow’s milk fermented with bacteria.

Kefir is offered in grocery stores, but making it at home is way healthier.

The downfall of store bought kefir is that it can be high in sugar. The kefir made at home in rich in healthy bacteria and probiotics. And it’s easy, too. It just takes time and a few ingredients and supplies, and voila, you have homemade kefir.




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Casey Alderman

Born and raised in south Georgia, Casey moved to Colorado after graduating college and has now settled in Jackson, where she loves to snowboard, hike and water-ski. She's a true southern food junkie, but loves every type of food (there's nothing she won't eat) and will try anything once. A lifelong love of food combined with a Journalism degree made her realize she could combine her two passions which led her to the position of Editorial Assistant. She loves hot sauce and anything pickled, and you'll always find her on the hunt for the perfect Bloody Mary.