Health Benefits of Bone Broth

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I love a good cup of bone broth. Not only is it super comforting in the cold months of winter, but it is also incredibly versatile and provides countless health benefits.

Bone broth has been used for centuries as a healing food for anything from cold and flu symptoms to ailments that affect connective tissues, such as the gastrointestinal tract, joints, skin, lungs, muscles and blood. It is also used to help fight inflammation and so is useful to those who suffer from chronic pain. A few drops of CBD oil can be added to further increase the anti-inflammatory properties of this broth, making it even more effective without changing the taste. Whether I’m making a broth-based soup, sautéing veggies or simply heating up a warm cup, bone broth is a staple in my kitchen. It is also surprisingly filling, making it a great addition to any smaller meals!

Take a look below for the numerous benefits of bone broth, as well as a simple recipe to make your own. If you are in a time crunch, I recommend purchasing Bonafide Bone Broth at Jackson Whole Grocer!

bone broth

Benefits of bone broth

  1. Heals a leaky gut: The gelatin in bone broth protects and heals the mucosal lining of the digestive tract. The amino acid l-glutamine in bone broth is the main amino acid the gut uses to repair the intestinal lining.
  2. Overcomes food intolerance and allergies: By healing a leaky gut you can resolve issues related to allergies because they are caused mainly by undigested large food particles seeping out of a leaky gut and triggering an immune response. Broth heals the gut lining, preventing this issue.
  3. Reduces the length of colds and flu: Chicken soup during a respiratory infection reduces the number of white blood cells, which are the cells that cause flu and cold symptoms. There’s a reason that it’s prescribed by Grandma when you’re feeling under the weather.
  4. Heals joint pain and inflammation: The glucosamine in bone broth stimulates the growth of new collagen, repairs damaged joints and reduces pain and inflammation. Check out these CBD olie products to see other examples of natural pain relievers.
  5. Supports healthy skin, hair and nails: The collagen and gelatin in bone broth results in healthy hair growth and keeps your nails strong. Something which you can enhance with hair repair products from
  6. Facilitates bone formation, growth and repair: Minerals, including calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, found in bone broth repairs our bones and keeps them strong.
  7. Fights inflammation: Bone broth is very high in the anti-inflammatory amino acids glycine and proline.
  8. Reduces cellulite: Consuming collagen-rich bone broth can reduce cellulite and tighten your skin, making you look younger!

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Tory Cameron

Tory is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, working at the Meno Clinic in Wilson, WY. As a former Bostonian, she moved to Wyoming simply to ski some of the world's best terrain. Although the mountains brought her here, it was the people and aura of Jackson itself that has convinced her to stay. Tory takes full advantage of the outdoor access here in Jackson, spending most of her time trail running, mountain biking and skiing. Follow along for yummy recipes and healthy living ideas!

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