Sip Back, Relax and Enjoy Laguna Verde’s Rosé

While Calico is temporarily by reservation only, they have the perfect reason for you to book a table. Owner Jeff Davis and partner Jim Terry brought their French-style rosé to Jackson for its summer debut.

Grab a table on the deck or lawn, admire the blooming poppies, and pour a glass (or two) of rosé. The golden rosé is crisp, light and perfect for the summer.

In 2008, Davies and Terry had a crazy idea. They bough a vineyard in Argentina and planted pinot noir grapes.

“We were just kind of dreaming and having fun with it!”

Jeff Davis

They named their vineyard Laguna Verde after the green lagoon that sits in the middle of their vineyard. The grapes are grown at a high altitude in the Uno Valley of Mendoza in rich volcanic soil. Together, Davies and Terry spent years perfecting their wine, and finally, they’ve brought it to Jackson.

3 Ways to get your hands on a bottle

  1. Reserve a table at Calico and enjoy all afternoon/night long
  2. Buy a bottle or more at the restaurant to-go
  3. Dine at Hatch and order a glass/bottle

Lauren Teruya

Writer, photographer and dessert enthusiast, Lauren is a graduate student at the University of Southern California specializing in journalism.

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